Monday, November 30, 2020

I Hope You're Ready


Advent Reflection

First Sunday of Advent 2020 Year B


If you have ever had to wait for someone at the airport when weather has caused numerous delays and gate changes, then you know that you have keep an eye on the arrival board and listen to the announcements. If you don’t you won’t know when or where to meet the person you are waiting for.


Advent is a time to watch and wait. Just as we didn’t know when Jesus would come that first Christmas, even though there were signs and prophecies, we don’t know when he will return. In the verses before today’s Gospel reading, Jesus gives his disciples some signs of what will happen before his second coming. He has given us work to do in the meantime, but He sums up his dire warnings with the reminder to “Be watchful! Be alert!”


The people of Isaiah’s time were also waiting. But instead of being watchful, they were wandering. Instead of taking heed of what God was doing, they became hard-hearted. This is what happens when we lose focus, we fall into sin. Isaiah says that our good deeds have become like dirty rags. But they didn’t start that way; they were clean and whole. But a spot here, a smudge there and they become filthy. We launder them, and they fade and become threadbare. How do we become clean and whole again?


Grace restores us. By returning to God our Father we can receive the grace we need to be made whole again. Isaiah likens us to being clay that the Lord can reshape with his hands. He forms and reforms us into the image of Jesus. St. Paul says that in Christ we are enriched in every way. We will not lack any spiritual gift we need as we wait for Christ’s return. It is though our Father’s loving care that we can be ready.